
Symphony X på vej med et nyt album

Symphony X

Prog power-guderne Symphony X vender tilbage med en opfølger til "Iconoclast”. Endnu har albummet ikke et navn, men efter planen vil det kommende album udkomme engang i løbet af foråret. 

Symphony X guitarist og sangskriver Michael Romeo fortæller at køreplanen holder: “"The plan was to have everything tracked by Christmas, and we're pretty much on schedule.”. Bassist Michael LePond uddyber at stilen ikke vil være så heavy som på "Iconoclast”, men i stedet mere en kombination af [2002's] 'The Odyssey' og [2007's] 'Paradise Lost'.

"I think this album is not gonna be as heavy as our last one, 'Iconoclast'. If I had to compare this one, I would say it's a combination of [2002's] 'The Odyssey' meets [2007's] 'Paradise Lost'. It has a lot of classic SYMPHONY X elements in it, and I think our old fans are really gonna appreciate this one. So we're really excited about it. And hopefully we can get it all recorded by the end of the year and then hopefully get it released early spring."