
Judas Priest: Nyt album er parat

Judas Priest: Nyt album er parat

Forsanger i Judas Priest Rob Halford fortæller, at bandet er færdig med optagelsen af bandets nye album.

“The record is finished; it’s absolutely finished as of today. It’s a relief. It’s a relief because whenever Priest makes an album, like any band, you put your heart and soul into it; it is that typical ‘blood, sweat and tears.’ It’s not an easy thing to do 40 years later.

But Priest has always been up for the challenge of that, and it’s one of things that we love to do more than anything else as we move on through our metal years. So this is a great time for Priest: 40th anniversary, a brand new record. Life couldn’t be better."

Det er endnu ikke klart hvornår albummet udkommer.Judas Priest var sidst aktuel med konceptalbummet Nostradamus fra 2008.