
Apostolum: Italiensk black metal giver forsmag på debut

Apostolum: Italiensk black metal giver forsmag på debut

Det italienske black metal band Apostolum er parat med deres debut: Winds of Disillusion. Bandet fra Cremona har lækket en forsmag på hvad vi kan forvente den 21. januar, hvor albummet vil være i handlen.

"Unworthiness and Decay" hedder nummeret som sikkert vil vække begejstring, hvis du holder af bands som My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost og Anathema.

Bandet fortæller selv om det kommende album:
"Lyrically, the album is not a concept, but there is a common element that somehow combines the lyrics of individual songs, which is the current strengthening ourselves to a pessimistic view on the future of the human race and planet earth. Hence, the meaning of the title Winds of Disillusion - the impotence of the human being in front of the occurrence of external destructive natural events together with the inability to suppress the growing of inner feelings of total disillusionment, noting bitterly the inability to be able to remedy a relentless physical and moral decline...a strong emotional wind that sweeps away any hope from the human soul"

1. Intro (Light Into The Void)
2. Unworthiness And Decay
3. Higher Planes Of Existence
4. Debris Of Perception
5. Less Than A Step
6. Gleam Of Lucidity