Draconian Update

Draconian Update

Draconian er endelig startet skriveprocessen til deres kommende album. Nedestående er en udtalelse fra bandet forsanger Anders Jacobsson omkring bandet fremtid.

"Draconian anno 2010, a new productive era. We are aware things has been silent for a while, and that the possible developement of the bands' progress has been kept from the limelight. There hasn't been much to tell really. Things has been standing still for a while due to different aspects and circumstances, which I guess, in after-thought, was necessary. Now, however, we are about to rise from the half-light. We are currently working quite diligently for Draconian to enter the second decade of this new millenium with a boost. Already, things are happening and we are doing our very best to follow up on everything we need in order for the band to stay in peoples hearts. You can expect us to ring out loud for the year to come. Thank you for being patient and understanding."