Årets "bedste" konkurrence!

Årets "bedste" konkurrence!

Hvis du mener du er en af verdens absolut største fan af Tobias Sammet og Avantasia, så deltag i konkurrence her. Læs og deltag, hvis du mener du har gode overtalelsesevner!

In the name of Odin - Father Christmas has got some amazing present for you here at tobiassammet.com. Are you a true Avantasia-warrior? If so, then get ready to take your chance. The master of Opera Metal and Metal Opera offers his army of loyal fans a once-in-a-lifetime chance of winning something really cool! All you have to do is talk to the mayor of your home town or the city closest to you into putting up a stone monument in honor of Tobias Sammet on a public square. The monument has to be made from solid stone, have a minimum height of 4 meters (approx 13 foot), and it should be clear that the shown person is Tobias Sammet himself. Once built, take a photo of the monument and send it to monument@tobiassammet.com. The reward for the best monument (as chosen by a jury at tobiassammet.com) will be the publication of the photo on one of the forthcoming DVDs and a poster, signed by members of Avantasia (depending on availability...).

Take your chance! Now!!!
Deadline is the 24th of December so pictures submitted after the deadline cannot be taken into consideration. Good look and toy toy tobi!

Kommentarer (3)


Indlæg: 189

Det er sgu da et fejlslagent

Det er sgu da et fejlslagent forsøg på at være morsom!

Claus Ljørring

Claus Ljørring


Indlæg: 378

ej syntes sku der er lidt

ej syntes sku der er lidt humor i det... helt sikkert


Indlæg: 4

Godt fundet på, det var vi

Godt fundet på, det var vi ikke set før 8)