
Faith No More: På vej med første album i 18 år

Faith No More: På vej med første album i 18 år

Faith No More er på vej med deres første album i 18 år, og forventer at udsende albummet engang i løbet af foråret 2015.

Bassist Bill Gould fortæller om hvilken stil og lyd vi kan forvente: I mean... [Laughs.] What I can say is that I think through our experience as musicians over the years, I think what we're doing reflects where we've gone since we made our last record as Faith No More.

I think this kicks things up a notch. And I think there's parts that are very powerful and there's parts that have a lot of "space." Everything we do, with our chemistry, the way we play; it's always going to sound like us. It's just what we do, that makes us feel good. Hopefully it doesn't sound like a bunch of 50-year-old men... which we are!

Første single fra albummet udkommer i slutningen af november - og er kaldt: "Motherfucker.

Sidst vi hørte fra Faith No More var tilbage i 1997 med albummet: "Album Of The Year".

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